Standards of Behaviour

The following is provided as general guidance for behaviour at games. This guidance will be further developed to form a full "Code of Conduct" which players, officials, clubs and supporters are expected to adhere to as a "Gold Standard".

1. The Scottish Amateur Football Association will not condone the drinking of alcohol at any games held under its jurisdiction.
2. Club officials are reminded that they are responsible for the conduct of spectators at their home matches, and visiting clubs are expected to co – operate with any reasonable requests made to them in this context. The Executive Committee will take action against any club reported to them in this regard.
3. Since most of our games are played on public pitches, players and officials should control the use of foul and abusive language. Quite apart from any instructions laid down by the football authorities, it is important that the Association/League creates a good public image, and everyone involved in Scottish amateur football has a duty to ensure that the existing high standards are maintained at all times.
4. Members of the Executive, especially the Office-Bearers, are available to assist clubs and officials at all times