Sportsguard - Personal Accident Insurance Scheme

You should carry out the following procedures: -

To set up a team under the jurisdiction of the Scottish Amateur Football Association (SAFA)

The Personal Accident Insurance scheme that is in place for Amateur Football in Scotland is the best value for money Policy that can be purchased in the UK. It is a proven scheme that works very well for thousands of football clubs and when a club and player understand it correctly they will appreciate it.

When a player is injured the club secretary should report the injury to Sportsguard (01604 644277) as soon as possible and definitely within 30 days, the claim form should come back to Sportsguard within 60 days with the form completed correctly and a copy of the doctor’s sick note. The player must complete the occupation part of the form or if self-employed must prove he is working, which can be achieved by showing an accountant’s letter or a copy of the last set of accounts.

If the injury is going to cause the player to be off of work for more than 5 or 6 weeks and money is going to be a problem, I would advise the player to request interim payments, which can be paid fortnightly or monthly. It is also imperative that the injured party advise the loss adjusters when they have returned to work in order that they can settle the claim as soon as possible. If anyone has a problem regarding a claim or a query please call Sportsguard and we will do our best to help and sort it out.

Since the scheme began in Scotland there has been in excess of £100,000 paid out in claims and £10,000 paid out for Life Insurance, that is the figure on the 1st of February 2008, which will increase on a daily basis.

When a club decide, which level of cover they are taking they should also look at the optional extension, which is extra to the normal weekly benefit paid. For Example: A player breaks his leg he will be entitled to £50.00 per week after the first 14 days payable all the time he is off of work up to 12 months. If the club had taken the optional extension the player would receive a one off cheque of £150.00 plus the weekly benefit that the club had chosen.

Please Note: If a player is unemployed or is a student the maximum that can be paid out is £20.00 per week payable for 12 months, the reason for this is that they will incur expenses but are not losing an income, however they are entitled to all other benefits.

I would also like to clarify that a broken leg includes the ankle and a broken arm includes the wrist. A broken bone in the hand or foot includes fingers and toes.

Please Note: Payment for the fracture of a bone in the arm, leg, hand, foot or collarbone, which necessitates hospital treatment and application of a plaster/solid cast or splint or other medical treatment to aid the recovery of the fracture.

The hospital benefit is for an overnight stay and is payable for 10 days from day 1 with no excess. The emergency dental treatment is for the relief of pain and not for cosmetic procedures.

  • The Permanent Disability: Lump sum payable in the event of an accident causing permanent total disablement from carrying on any gainful employment, up to age 65 years.
  • Loss of Limb: Means permanent loss by physical separation of a hand at or above the wrist or of a foot at or above the ankle and includes total and irrecoverable loss of use of hand, arm, or leg.
  • Loss of Sight: Lump sum paid if there is a loss of sight in one or both eyes, which is deemed as permanent.
  • Accidental Death: Lump sum payable if the player should die from an accident whilst playing, training, or travelling to a game in an organised party.
  • Life Insurance: Sportsguard are the only company in the UK who offers this particular benefit and has already been claimed on in the last year.
All players and officials are covered whilst training or playing and if death occurs within 7 days of the first manifestation of symptoms. The age limit is 50 years.

The policy that has been negotiated between The Scottish Amateur Football Association and Sportsguard has been put together for the players and officials throughout the Association and the reason that the premium is £115.00 for the basic cover is because it is mandatory. If clubs went on their own to obtain this level of cover it would cost in excess of £300.00.

It is also worth noting that Sportsguard is the only company in the UK who can and do offer Life Insurance as mandatory. There has already been a death amongst one of your fellow clubs and the player’s family are entitled to £10,000.