The following is guidance from the Scottish Amateur Football Association. The details of these arrangements will vary according to each individual Association/League. These are provided for guidance purposes only and as a suggestion for the basis of a more consistent approach to managing the process of officiating the game. Please consult with your individual Association/League with regard to your own procedures.
1. Referees are reminded that Match Secretaries must confirm to them the fixture not later
than the Tuesday night preceeding any Saturday game and by Friday for midweek games.
2. Referees must send team lines to reach League Secretary by first post on Tuesday
following date of the match. When a report about a match is required this should be sent
direct to League Secretary along with team lines.
3. Referees must not unnecessarily delay the kick – off when teams have not their full
compliment of players.
4. The actual kick – off time must be recorded by referees on the match team lines and in
cases where the kick – off is late, referees are requested to assist the League by stating the
reason for the late kick – off on the reverse side on one of the team lines being forwarded to
the League Secretary.
5. Referees must on no account appoint a substitute to any game unless sanction has been
granted from the Match Secretary.
6. Referees, having accepted appointments, and then being unable to fulfill this appointment,
should advise the Match Secretary and the Home Team Match Secretary.
7. Referees are requested to inspect player's boots prior to kick off.
8. Referees are reminded that goal nets and corner flags must be used in all matches under
the auspices of the League. Please assist the League by reporting clubs who fail to use the
sponsors corner flags.
9. Referees are reminded that they should indicate on the team lines whether or not the
substitutes played.
10. Referees must supply linesman flags and have officials to act as linesman.
11. Referees must sign and exchange with clubs a copy of team lines and match fee
BEFORE the commencement of game.
12. Referees must indicate on team lines the venue of the game.